15 January 2025

Links related to Sickle Cell disease and other medical issues.

Some of the web links listed below are external websites in which we do not have editorial control.

University of Cape Coast Ghana

The BUPA Cromwell Hospital, London SW5 0TU

Academy of Sciences for the Developing World (TWAS)Trieste

Royal Society of Medicine 1 Wimpole Street, London W1M 8AE

The Lancet

The British Medical Journal

Dr. Everett Koop

Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine.
http://www.ic.ac.uk/alumni  & http://www.IC4Life.net

Creation.com with nearly 7000 articles

1965 to present day, click here
447Konotey-Ahulu FID. Voluntary Assisted Dying: Will Inadequate Terminology Not Mislead Public and Parliament? BMJ 3 Nov 2024 Rapid Response
2024 | More
If this website has been of help to you, feel free to make a donation to enable us investigate enquirers who wish to know whether they are carrying an ACHE gene or not, and thus help them make decisions that will prevent the burden of this hereditary ACHEACHE ailment of Sickle Cell Disease and other Haemoglobinopathy.
FAQs (Click here for more)
1. Why is Sickle Cell Anaemia only found in Black people?
This is a very common mis-conception. Sickle cell anaemia (sca) is not "only found in Black people". White people in Greece, Sicily, Turkey, and their offspring around the world suffer from sickle cell anaemia (sca)... | More
2. Why do people with sickle cell anaemia not suffer from malaria?
A common mis-conception. A dangerous misconception. People with sickle cell anaemia do suffer from malaria, and very badly too. Doctors who have been wrongly taught have been known to advise... | More
3. Why then do Science teachers always talk about malaria protection in sickle cell anaemia?
Inadequate knowledge, or plain ignorance is the simple answer. I repeat: malaria affects sickle cell anaemia patients more seriously than it does others.... | More

L W K W s e U b N V y U H e W X N O R T L q g Z a W M C p u s h a O