are some quotes from 'WHAT IS AIDS?':
"The non-African believes promiscuity is the chief cause of AIDS
in Africa. The African perspective is that although promiscuity, like
Saul, may have slain its 'thousands', international prostitution, like
David, has slain its 'tens of thousands', and that poverty, not lust,
is what drives the girls to prostitution" [page
is well to remember some of the findings of clinical epidemiology. These
are that
1. |
Africa, money for sex, and sex for money leads to quantitatively abnormal
sexual intercourse. |
2. |
intercourse leads to an unhealthy traumatisation of the perineum,
producing ulcers. |
3. |
venereal ulcers and warts allow AIDS virus to invade the body. |
4. |
non-use is widespread and is often controlled by pimps and brothel
queens most of whom have never seen the 'robba' in their lives. |
5. |
sex with a prostitute, even once, has dangerous implications as
shown below:
6. |
with AIDS are almost invariably (in Africa at least) sons and daughters
of prostitutes, and in Europe and the USA of intra-venous drug abusers,
or both - prostitutes being defined as women who accept money and
other payment for sex. They do not have to be walking the streets.
[Where AiDS babies are born to mothers who have nothing to do with
prostitution and who have no risk factors for AIDS, then the father
of the children is the one who may have been sampling prostitutes,
again defined as sex partners who accept money for the sex act. The
partner may be a school girl or housewife who has never walked the
streets, but functionally if money or gifts change hands, then what
is called promiscuity is really prostitution.] |
7. |
male-male sex the one who receives the male organ, stands the greater
risk of getting AIDS. |
8. |
The uncircumcised male gets AIDS quicker than
the circumcised, as confirmed by Cameron and colleagues (1989), and
Bongaarts and co-workers (1989). |
9. |
Use of injection needles can lead to AIDS. |
that is unscreened for transfusion can produce not only malaria and
hepatitis in the transfused, but also AIDS "
[pages 91 & 92] |
"As far as vaccinating African's against AIDS is concerned,
the best comment I have heard is from the same tribal chief who was irritated
by the promiscuity message (Appendix B). When told about the search for
a vaccine, he gaped with incredulity, and asked,
'You mean they are going to prick us with
needles so we can do what we like?'
This man,
without a University degree, reckoned that the whole thing did not make
sense. For the developed world however, it makes enormous sense. Not least
because they can pay for it." [pages 146-147]
is AIDS? |
the book review by His Excellency Dr Thomas A Mensah. Click
here |
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